Tuesday 4 February 2014

Taking control of my happiness, once and for all!

I stepped on the scale today.....

Why? Ugh! Why do I do that to myself every dang time......

It's torture, it's cruel...you can know deep down that the number on the scale doesn't mean anything, you can be feeling great and making changes, but when you look down and see those numbers you've been dreading so much, you can't help but beat yourself up!

I'm DONE letting these numbers determine my happiness, I'm DONE stressing over calories and steps and minutes - they're all just NUMBERS! They will not change how I feel.

Scale - gone
MFP - not touchin it
HRM - buh bye!

I am going to continue to work hard and fuel my body with what it needs, when I need it! I have the knowledge to help me make the right choices - now it's on me to make sure that happens.

I won't let numbers determine my happiness  

Not anymore!

That new found energy, the way my pants fit me just right, those sexy muscles I can see coming back.......

I'm gonna let THAT fuel me - that'll be my motivation - THAT is why I do what I do - not for some silly number <3

1 comment:

  1. Great post and great reminder to NOT let those silly numbers define us!
